I've been playing Virtual Families and I could tell that the creators were trying to make some sort of a doll house game where a virtual family ages and dies and continues on and on and on. There's nothing much to do. Goals and secrets are pretty limited. Starting a family and working with careers are quite boring. You only leave them be most of the time (I understand it's like Virtual Villagers but Virtual Villagers was better suited to that style)
What I'd want to see in future releases and installments...
1. More stuff to do of course.
- Career building--->expound this aspect of a virtual creature
- Faster cleaning of the house
- BONDING WITH THE FAMILY (Come on. This is what families do)
Virtual families seem cold to each other in the family. All they do is tickle each other
and multiply. Nothing intimate and family-like.
- Vacations, scolding children for not doing homework, eating out, blackouts
where the family gathers to sing songs or tell scary stories
-strolls in the park
-INTERACTIONS WITH THE PETS (poor creatures get ignored by their owners sheesh)
-bachelor/bachelorette choosing. Why the heck would someone bite a marriage proposal
without knowing the proponent in the first place?! That way, it would be more AWWWW..some.
-expound on the "love" aspect of the game... why do they marry?
-restaurant management to earn money? (that would be tedious, yes but it could be fun
to have the family work on something like that)
-cut scenes instead of random mail that either take your money away or give you money
-conversations (mom nags, dad scolds, dad teaches stuff, mom asks children to help out
in the kitchen, mom and dad show their love, parents give their children advice)
-car rides to town
-beach outings
-school activities (this will make things awfully tedious for the makers and the price of the
game would probably rise awfully if this was expounded too much)
-making friends with outsiders (this way, it'll be more realistic as to how a family grows)
2. Variation in locations. I want to see a :
3. New stuff in the store.
a.a vacuum cleaner
b.sock collector(seriously, life isn't all about collecting socks and weeds isn't it?!)
c.lawn mower
e.pet food..hehe
f.more dresses
4. More characters to interact with. Sigh... virtual families are such lonely people who live in the woods with no neighbors, no community whatsoever... what an anti-social bunch. hahaha They can't even leave their own house
5. The game seriously needs a heart. That's what this game lacks. Families: this thing is something that should touch people and make them relate to a family. :)
Great ideas! And I agree-I just got it on my phone and think it's boring that they do practically nothing together. I guess The Sims definitely set the standard, but the puzzle-solving sets it apart. It has more potential.
Hehehe. (Whoah... it's been quite some time since the last time I came here). I have been ranting and suggesting stuff but I guess Virtual Families's creators will improve once they get better facilities and innovations. (not to mention inspiration) :D Yes, The Sims has set the standards. Virtual Families is designed like a bunny multiplying game. hahaha Oh well... The Sims is a better choice. ^_^
Delete- late replier, Sankoi (haha)